Bridge Knowledge Gaps This Holiday Season

Enable your child to perform better in their primary school studies with our Primary Success Workshops.

Bridge Knowledge Gaps This Holiday Season

Enable your child to perform better in their primary school studies with our Primary Success Workshops.

English: The Great Explorers

During the workshop, the following skills and topics will be covered for each level.

  • Identify the writer’s purpose in a text
  • Extract key ideas from a passage
  • Understand Sequence
  • Recognise cause and effect
  • Comparing and Contrasting

During the workshop, the following skills and topics will be covered for each level.

  • Make predictions and inferences
  • Distinguish between fact and opinion
  • Interpret figurative language
  • Transfer information in the text into a graphic organiser (tables)
  • Summarise/paraphrase informa
Workshop Details

Mathematics: Decoding Patterns​

During the workshop, the following skills and topics will be covered for each level.

  • To explore and learn 4 different types of pattern question
  • To develop thinking, visualization and application skills through a mathematical approach to solve ‘Pattern’ questions
  • Build confidence and foster an interest in mathematics through concept formation activities
  • Use manipulatives to concretise the problem sums
  • Brainstorm and discuss in pairs/groups on how to solve the problem sums
Workshop Details

During the workshop, the following skills and topics will be covered for each level.

  • To explore and learn 4 different types of pattern question
  • To develop thinking, visualization and application skills through a mathematical approach to solve ‘Pattern’ questions
  • Build confidence and foster an interest in mathematics through concept formation activities
  • Use manipulatives to concretise the problem sums
  • Brainstorm and discuss in pairs/groups on how to solve the problem sums
Workshop Details

Science: Resistance in Motion

During the workshop, the following skills and topics will be covered for each level.

  • Identify a force as a push or a pull Recognize that friction is a force that opposes motion
  • Recognize that friction can occur between air and another material (air resistance)
  • Recognize that friction can occur between water and another material (water resistance)
  • Explore the relationship between the exposed surface area of an object and the air resistance acting on it

During the workshop, the following skills and topics will be covered for each level.

  • Identify a force as a push or a pull
  • Recognize that friction is a force that opposes motion
  • Recognize that friction can occur between air and another material (air resistance)
  • Recognize that friction can occur between water and another material (water resistance)
  • Study the relationship between the exposed surface area of an object and the air resistance acting on it
  • Show an understanding of the part played by air resistance in wind dispersal
  • Apply the concepts learnt to answer PSLE-type (application) questions

Chinese: Appreciating Poetry

During the workshop, the following skills and topics will be covered for each level.

  • Importance, Practicality & Scientific Application from Proverbs, Idioms and Poems. 谚语/成语/诗歌的重要性和实用性。
  • Appreciation of Proverbs, Idioms and Ancient Poetry. 谚语/成语/诗歌的鉴赏和审美能力。
  • Proverbs, Idioms and Poems Application Activities. 趣味谚语/成语/诗歌的实践性活动。
  • Application of Proverbs, Idioms and Poems in Chinese Compositions. 把谚语/成语/诗歌运用在作文中,使自己的篇章更多姿多彩。
  • More fun and interactive games and activities. 趣味课堂活动和游戏。

During the workshop, the following skills and topics will be covered for each level.

  • Learn Chinese Good Words and Sentences the Smart & Scientific Way. 科学有效地学习华文中好词佳句。
  • Importance, Practicality & Scientific Application from Proverbs, Idioms and Poems. 谚语/成语/诗歌的重要性和实用性。
  • Appreciation and Application of Ancient Poetry. 诗歌的审美鉴赏及实践性活动。
  • Ability of identify key sentences in each poem and apply in daily life. 从古诗里鉴别经典词句,增加词汇量,并运用在日常生活中。
  • Application of Proverbs, Idioms and Poems in Chinese Compositions 把谚语/成语/诗歌运用在作文中,使自己的篇章更多姿多彩。
  • More fun and interactive games and activities. 趣味课堂活动和游戏。

Enquire about our Holiday Workshops today!

Simply fill in and submit the form below and we’ll be in touch with you soon to share more details.

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