The ultimate after school learning environment by MindChamps!

Join us for an exclusive webinar to find out about our student care that is integrated with proven research-backed curriculum.

MindSpace™ – Nurturing MindChampions After School, is the ultimate after school learning environment by MindChamps. With our proprietary 3-Mind Approach that comprises the Champion Mind, the Learning Mind and the Creative Mind, and the use of our breakthrough Art of Learning and Optimal Flow Method™ of learning that helps students ace their PSLE in Maths, English, Science and Chinese, MindSpace is the only after school care that nurtures future Champions and Scholars.

Join us at our exclusive webinar this February

Discover MindSpace at this exclusive webinar

Learn about the 6 powerful gifts you can give your child at MindSpace:

  1. The gift of the Champion Mindset that empowers your child with the strength and resilience to thrive in an unpredictable future.
  2. The gift of the Art of Learning that teaches your child not just the what to learn but, more importantly, the how to learn to actively understand all the subjects taught at school.
  3. The gift of the Optimal Flow Method™ that optimises the brain’s ability to make connections and understand every concept behind Maths, English, Science and Chinese.
  4. The gift of the best Champion Mindset and Specialist Subject Coaches who have undergone special accreditation and training to both teach and provide your child with Champion Mindset strategies to perform at peak levels.
  5. The gift of specially crafted nutritious meals and supplements that provide your child with all the nourishment they need to grow healthy and strong.
  6. The gift of family bonding time by removing the need for tuition and providing special parenting strategies.

All attendees will be entitled to special savings when you secure a place for your child at any MindSpace centre.

Sign up now to secure your place at this exclusive event!

Event Details


26 February 2022, Saturday
10.30 am – 12.00 noon


Zoom (you will receive a meeting link once you have registered)


Parents with children aged 6-11

Register for the Webinar

Let us know if you’d like to come for this event by filling in the form below.

       Child's Date of Birth

       Preferred Centre

       Are you a MindChamps Alumni Parent?*

       How did you hear about us?