Exam Results: Reviewing End-Of-Year Papers With Your Child

The end-of-year (EOY) exams are over and your child’s results are in. You’re probably feeling a mixture of emotions right now—pride, relief, happiness, or maybe even a little bit of anxiety if he’s in Primary Five and preparing for PSLE next year.

No matter how your child did in his exams, it’s important not to skip the post-exam review process. Sit down and go over the papers together to help him to understand what he did well and where he needs to improve. It will also give you a chance to provide feedback and support.

Here are three tips for reviewing the exam papers with your child and making the most out of the discussion:

1. Ask open-ended question

First and foremost, create a positive environment for your child. Let him know that you are there to support him, no matter what his exam results may be. This will help him feel more comfortable discussing his papers with you.

Encourage your child to tell you what he was thinking when he answered each question, rather than simply handing the papers over to you. Why did he answer the questions a certain way? Did he find them challenging? What does he wish he could have known during the exam? This will help you to understand his thought process and identify areas where he needs extra help.

2. Review the exam results and papers togethers

Next, take a look at the EOY exam papers together. This discussion will give your child a chance to reflect on his performance and motivate him to do better in the future. Focus on the positive side first by talking about what he did well and where he showed improvement, which can help to boost his confidence and motivation.

Afterwards, take a look at areas where more work is needed. Help your child to identify strategies for improvement. For example, if he struggled with problem sums in the math paper, suggest that he practises more of such questions, ask his math teacher for help, or even join math enrichment activities after school.

3. Focus on the future and set realistic goals for next year

Finally, it is important to help your child set some realistic goals for next year, especially if he is going to Primary Six and preparing for PSLE the following year. This will give him something to focus on and motivate him to do better the next round. Encourage him to brainstorm ideas for how he can improve his performance next time around.

Maybe he needs to find a different study method or be more disciplined with his after school routine. A way to overcome this is to . Make a list of topics that need to be reviewed and break down each topic into smaller chapters to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Achieve Stellar Exam Results With MindSpace By MindChamps

The end of the school year is a busy time for students and parents alike. There are signed papers to be handed in, projects to complete, and holiday activities to organise. Amidst all the chaos, it can be easy to forget about reviewing the end-of-year exam papers with your child. However, taking the time to go over his results together can be an incredibly valuable experience. Not only will it help him to understand his strengths and weaknesses, but it will also give him a chance to reflect on his academic journey over the past year.

MindSpace by MindChamps offers after school enrichment activities and programmes with a research-backed curriculum that has helped many students achieve stellar results in school and PSLE examinations. Weekend enrichment and full-day school holiday activities are also available for those who do not require student care. Make an appointment with us to learn more about our after school enrichment activities and programmes now!